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Corporate Governance

Here you can access the information on how the Group manages and controls its companies.

Ethics and Conduct Code

The Ethics and Conduct Code is the document that contains the values that guide the performance of Martifer Group, as well as the ethical principles and norms of conduct to which the Group and its employees are subject and assume as intrinsically their own.

This Code applies to all Martifer employees no matter their bond or hierarchical position, as well as to all Martifer subsidiaries. For the purpose of this Code, “employees” means all members of the statutory governing bodies of Martifer, consultants, managing directors and all other employees no matter the kind of bond, as well as all the entities or individuals that received representation powers for any Martifer company.

Other Reports - 11.10.2021

Ethics and Conduct Code

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. 2.7 MB
Martifer Group
Other contacts

Communication of irregularities

The recipients of the Code of Ethics and Conduct may raise concerns regarding any behaviour or decisions which they believe do not respect the Company's ethics or Conduct Code or report irregularities in Martifer Group. The means available for this purpose are:

Martifer Group's Ethics and Conduct Committee

Martifer SGPS, SA

Apartado 17

3684-001 Oliveira de Frades


earnings release

Download the 2023 Earnings Presentation here.

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. 6.4 MB
investor relations office
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